Live Music - Lucky Aces Band

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  • Regular price $7,000,000.00

We’re live music experts, wedding enthusiasts, and party starters, who play in all genres of music. We’re a premium, customizable 2 to 12-piece band specializing in weddings, corporate events, and private functions. Lucky Aces performs as a full band and also plays acoustic for your cocktail hours, ceremony, dinner reception, after-party music, gathering music, etc Our precious clients can request and the band will design a playlist to match your musical tastes. Our mission is to make each Wedding or Event celebration a day to remember and we look forward to providing the best music for all of your events.

Main Singer : 

  • Damaris Dior is an R&B, Soul singer born in The Netherlands. Growing up, she was always surrounded by musicians and musical instruments as both her parents were part of a church choir and played in a band. From singing Pop covers in bars to being on stage with notable Jazz and R&B musicians, DJs, and producers; Damaris’s career has taken lift off and the sky is the limit. With her versatile style, she could have the crowd hanging on her lips, tapping their feet, or dancing all out. Adding her personal life as baggage and an impressive number of stage performances, she is bound to step up to a higher platform and is determined to vest her name in the R&B, Soul, and Trap-soul music scene.

Video performance Damaris Dior 

Songlist Damaris Dior 

Singer By Team : 

  • Anggun: Experience with 10 Years of relevant skill and genre; Western, Pop, Indonesian, Mandarin, and Bollywood Songs. 

Video performance Anggun

Song list Anggun 

  • Jean: Experience with 10 years of relevant skill and genre; R&B Soul, Western and Indonesian Songs. 

Video performance Jean 

Song list Jean 

  • Eva: Experience with 9 years of relevant skill and genre; Western, Pop, Indonesian, Mandarin and Bollywood songs

Video Performance Eva

Song list Eva

  • Reyna: Experience with 10 years of relevant skill and genre; Western, Pop and Folk Songs with rhythm guitar player 

Video Performance Reyna

Song list Reyna 

  • Rayi: Experience with 10 years of relevant skill and genre; R&B Soul, Western and Indonesian Songs 

Video Performance Rayi

Song list Rayi 

  • Ngurah: Experience with 10 years of relevant skill and genre: Pop, Western, Rock and Australia songs

Video performance Ngurah

Song list Ngurah 

  • Puzpa: Experience with 9 years of relevant skill and genre: Western, Pop and Indonesian songs

Video performance Puzpa

Song list Puzpa 

  • Yori: Experience with 19 years of relevant skill and genre: Western, Rock, Pop and Indonesian Songs

Video Performance Yori

Song list Yori